This pretty little chapel built in a beautiful granite device was erected in the 16th century in the village of St-Thuriau. It seems that it was originally dedicated to Saint Uhec, and changed its patronage when it was rebuilt in the 20th century. There is also a beautiful polychrome wooden statue of Saint Uhec, dated 16th century: in a chasuble, he is preparing to celebrate mass. This is related to an episode in his life, where, while he was celebrating mass, a voice assured him that he would receive the crown of the chosen ones and that the faithful who prayed in his church would obtain eternal life.
Very elaborate openings

No less than three doors to this chapel... all very elaborate. There are Renaissance ornaments with some flamboyant elements on the front door, then the southern door with pilasters and pediment, a third door behind, and carved windows.
The shield of the Kermeno is triple present, above the entrance door, held by a dragon on the outside, or on a wooden sandpit of the first chapel preserved inside the church.
The frame offers crocodile-headed entrails.
photo © F Baslé
On the outside, a bench of justice, and raising your head you can see sculptures that adorn the drip tray, they are repeated inside on the sandpits.
It has other curiosities

Other particularities inside, the floor which is not paved but in beaten earth, and a very beautiful wooden balustrade to close the choir.
Restored in 1934, the chapel was blessed by the vicar Guilleric; the pardon takes place on the 3rd Sunday of June.
Key to be asked at 02 97 60 36 12 at Mrs Buléon.
The chapel is situated on the GR 38. During your visit, don't miss the yew tree which serves as its neighbour... symbol of eternity, probably dating from the first chapel, it is one of our remarkable trees. Its great age deserves that we linger there...