Everything starts with the Grotto ...

Dynamic priest of Callac parish, abbot Binard took advantage of the amazing place that offers an old slates quarry to set up a carve in honor of the Virgin, as the Lourdes one. With the help of determined parishioners, he dug into the rock and the blessing of the cave took place on May 1st 1949, a symbolic day if ever there was one, because it is the first day of the month of Mary in a year dedicated to the Virgin.
Even today, the cave is still regularly visited and flowered by pilgrims from all over the world.
It can be seen by taking the Callac hiking trail.
Then the Way of the Cross…

Abbot Binard’s idea looks further than the cave : there is a Way of the Cross in Lourdes, there will be one in Callac! And here are all the parishioners joining forces to build the 14 Stations of the Cross on this sloping hill (and thorny at that time)! Will and motivation were needed to clear, fill in, heave up the first wooden crosses… To face the pilgrims’ crowds, 3 breton sculptors were called to make 57 life-size granite statues to smarten up the place. Colossal construction site, the parishioners (always them!) had to hoist the statues with the arms of men, think rather, half a ton for some statues, two tons for others !!!
Blessed in 1958 in the presence of more than 15,000 people, this Way of the Cross made of Bignan granite remains very much visited.
Only a chapel was missing !

At Le Grand Mont in Guéhenno, the 15th century chapel’s ruins were waiting for their hour… They were suggested to abbot Binard, and the voluntary parishioners carried them and raised the building stone by stone.
Anonymous donors allowed to put a roof, stained-glass windows and some furniture. Abbot Binard deserved well to be buried there! He has been resting since 1987 in this beautiful chapel blessed in 1962 by the Bishop of Vannes.
Une magnifique tête de puits a été remontée au-dessus de la fontaine en face de la grotte.